
NYT's Revkin Responds to Limbaugh's 'Suicide' Suggestion

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/20/2009 5:06:27 pm PDT

The more I look at it the more I realize that if you have a show based on being hateful, those who listen are of necessity hateful types. So of course the ditto heads are just waiting to be outraged at something.

This is why I cease to care about hurting their pathetic feelings. They are already overcompensating for something, else why bother with all the fear and hate? Else how could they be made so afraid and angry anyway?

It is my experience that the best way to deal with a bullying beta is to smack him.

We need some good hard hitting stuff that points out just how pathetic and unmanly the typical Rush and Beck viewer/listener ultimately are.

Where there is that much chest banging and macho talk, there are always small, non responsive, or simple not wanted for use, penises.