
Rand Paul on Trump: "Someone Has to Point Out to the American Public That He's a Fake"

CuriousLurker9/12/2015 6:19:11 pm PDT

ZOMG, the Islamization of Apple!!

I sooooo hope Geller has an iPhone:

Muslim, Jewish Emoji: Apple iOS 9.1 Will Add Mosque, Synagogue, Kaaba And Menorah Icons For The Faithful

Among highly anticipated new emojis like the taco and unicorn, the faithful will also have more to choose from. The new release includes a synagogue, a mosque and even the Kaaba, the black cubical structure in Mecca that serves as Islam’s most famous and significant house of God.

There will also a be a Jewish menorah with nine branches, prayer beads, and a generic symbol of a person on his knees, signifying a place of worship. There had long been several Christian church emojis to choose from. […]