
After Shootout, Police Arrest Ahmad Khan Rahami for NY/NJ Bombs

Targetpractice9/19/2016 11:01:17 am PDT

Since the beginning of this election, we’ve heard wingnuts:

- Hope for the opposing candidate to be jailed, assassinated, or struck down by illness
- Celebrate every sign of a potential economic downturn and actually argue that a strengthening economy is a bad thing
- Promote worship of a foreign autocrat and argue that he’s a “better leader” than our President because state-controlled polls show high approval
- Cheer the insulting of our armed forces and our intelligence services
- Tear down the FBI director they once argued was the second-coming of Elliot Ness
- And gotten all sorts of giddy over three terrorist attacks on US soil because the terrorist was a Muslim and they perceive that as bolstering their argument that Islam should be banned

If you ever wanted an idea of what sort of nation would put a monster like Hitler into power, then you’ve got a front-row seat to the shitshow.