
Full Video: John Oliver on Yet Another Critical Issue: Felony Disenfranchisement

A Mom Anon9/10/2018 6:06:16 pm PDT

We’re a mean country, especially when you look at how we handle matters of sickness and poverty. We’re also short sighted, look at what we have done to the sparkly new infrastructure we had at one time, basically nothing. We’re letting it fall apart while we argue about how to pay for it or not, mostly not. We’re letting our public schools and lands be picked apart and sold off to the friends of those we elected ( while they tell us it will save money, especially if we lose those pesky standards and regulations). We live behind gates and walls and shoot each other with alarming regularity.

I know I am blessed to have been born here and I have had privilege here that I may not have had in some other places. But I also love my country enough to be critical and genuinely sad about what is happening now. That’s what being patriotic is, you cheer what’s right and true and fight against things that are evil, mean and stupid. I don’t know how we break through this mess , I mean families and whole neighborhoods have been torn apart over this shit, how do we mend that?