
Video: Hillary Clinton Erupts at Ron Johnson Over Benghazi Fake Scandal

Charles Johnson1/23/2013 10:16:56 am PST

re: #24 Ian G.

Benghazi is one of those things that’s so off the deep end, I don’t even understand what the hysterics are about. Yes, it was bad that Islamic terrorists stormed the US consulate there, but what’s the conspiracy part all about? I seriously want to know what the right is all up in arms about.

It reminds me of the 9/11 truther obsession with WTC 7. I had to have it explained to me because it’s so far off the deep end that a rational thinking person wouldn’t be able to put him or herself in the mindset of someone who thinks WTC 7 is some smoking gun. The same applies here.

I think it’s obvious, but they will never say it out loud because it makes them look like lunatics. Mitt Romney said it, the first night of the Benghazi incident — they’re trying to imply that President Obama deliberately covered up the details of the attack because he sympathizes with Al Qaeda.

Really. That’s what this is all about, underneath all the posturing and idiocy. Pure derangement.