
Acoustic Guitar Virtuoso Antoine Dufour: "Overlay"

Yeah Sure WhatEVs5/18/2017 7:14:52 am PDT

re: #293 HappyWarrior

It’s honestly hard for me to conjure much sympathy for a man who spend his career pushing lies that my political belief system was analogous with the worst of the USSR and woh pushed racism. I feel sorry for his wife and family for losing their husband and father even though it’s obvious that Ailes was yet another conservative hypocrite who didn’t respect the institution of marriage. Hannity can claim it’s about his political beliefs but Roger Ailes contributed nothing but negativity and lies to the political landscape.

I can only feel sympathy for the child. His wife knew what kind of man he was. I find it very hard to feel sympathy for an enabler or co-conspirator.