
Brand New Video: Stephen Colbert Predicts Republican Tactics if Dr. Blasey Ford Testifies Next Week

Scottish Dragon9/21/2018 9:37:33 am PDT

Some people (cough cough Corner Stone) at Balloon Juice have gone full throttle nihilism and are hoping the middle school teacher who signed the letter for Kavanaugh also gets wrecked as a result of this. One commenter hoped he would lose his house, wife and kids because he signed the letter supporting Kavanaugh and fuck him he deserves to burn.

I can’t do this. I cannot be with people who are going to be this consumed by hatred that a middle school teacher being nice to a buddy from three decades ago is fair game for destruction and opprobrium.

I think I flounced.

That is a fucked up thing to agree with.

Teachers are not the target here, and we shouldn’t stand by and let them be targets. He isn’t a goddamned K Street player. He is an Atlanta middle school teacher who has to deal with 8th grade kids and correct their homework tonight while this shit is going on around him.

By the way, signing onto a letter for a friend from 30 years ago is usually seen as a social nicety. Nobody takes it seriously and nobody puts any weight on it.

Whatever screwed up version of morals you have subscribed to, being nice to your high school buddy from 3 decades past in no fucking way merits this kind of bullshit and we should be ashamed for even entertaining the notion that it ever would!!!

I have been at this site since 2006, and if that is the way we are going to play now, I’m done. I want nothing to do with this kind of thinking.

We cannot let ourselves become the enemy we are fighting. I refuse to go down that path.