
FBI Investigates 'Suspicious Incident' in Virginia

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/24/2010 1:59:33 pm PDT

re: #282 darthstar

Well, in day 2 of the GOP’s “We’re not doing anything” response to losing on health-care, they’ve managed to shut down:
1. Appropriations subcommitttee on Defense :FY 2011 Guard and Reserve Budget
2. Commerce committtee meeting to improve cybersecurity
3. DHS meeting to nominate Maj. Gen. Robert A Harding as Sec. of Homeland Security
4. Armed Services committee’s hearing sto examine Pacific Command, Strategic Command, and Defense Authorization Request for FY 2011 and Future years Defense program
5. Homeland Security’s meeting on Contracts for Afghan National Police Training

So I guess you could say they’re for “Country First”…just so long as it isn’t this country.

Restated for emphasis.

The GOP has the notion that hurting America when teh Dems are in power means that they can blame the Dems. And the healthcare debate is a prime example in of itself. The bill we got is mangled and nowhere near as good as it could have been. Yet everyone knows that there was plenty to be fixed. Imagine what would have happened if the GOP had worked with the Dems to make a better bill rather than trying to sabotage any effort to do something needed from day one, out of their own craven political interests and desire to fight dirty.

The Dems are hardly a good party in my book. They are weak, self serving and fractured. The GOP on the other hand, are utter scum for trying their best to derail America as a whole in an organized, transparent and coordinated case of sour grapes.