
Ludicrous Excuses of the Week

Kragar7/26/2011 1:10:47 pm PDT

Conservative Christian reaction to Norway killings

Two threads seem to be emerging from conservative Christians writing about the Norway killings: Anders Behring Breivi wasn’t really a Christian, and he has a point about the danger of Muslim immigration.

Those two points are being made everywhere from The New York Times’ OpEd page to the American Family Association (AFA).

As usual at The Washington Post, we’re interested foremost in the political implications, and in what seems to be a pattern, GOP presidential players are speaking sparingly about Islam. That was true for the Muslim center near Ground Zero, Congressman Peter King’s hearings on Muslim radicalization, the relationship between mosque and state in post-revolution North Africa, and now, on the musings of Norwegian mass-murderer Anders Breivik.