
Tuesday Afternoon Open

SixDegrees8/25/2009 3:22:12 pm PDT

re: #279 spinmore

Yes - you’re right about the name. We thought we could just stop in and hire some horses for a trail ride. No such luck - booked solid. I remember us talking about how nice the cabins looked and how someday we’d book a stay there (well you know how that works) maybe someday.

Yeah - you’ve gotta book months in advance. We planned a year ahead, so there wasn’t a problem.

They have an enormous buffalo herd on the land there, managed by the state, and every fall they have a huge roundup festival. Never been, but it’s on my list of places to be some day. Looks like a great time.

And if you’re in the area in July, you’re not far from Sturgis; jump on your hog, break out the assless chaps and…well, enjoy, I guess. ;-)