
Seth Meyers Continues Doing Amazing Work: Donald Trump Warned Us About Himself

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)5/19/2017 9:05:27 am PDT

Lieberman had a right to endorse McCain over Obama in 2008 but he didn’t have a right to do that and then expect to be treated ike a regular Democrat after that. I commend Lieberman for his past marching for Civil Rights and supporting ending the ban on gays in the military but I have no respect for his record of supporting censorship for media, his non stop apologia for the Bush doctrine, and how he spread McCain’s campaign lies about Obama. He wanted to support his friend, McCain, that’s fine but he was okay with spreading McCain’s campaign lies about Obama, a man who actually went to bat for Lieberman twice including once when he had no real obligation too after Lieberman had lost the Senate primary.