
The Bob Cesca Show: Quicksand

Blind Frog Belly White9/15/2017 11:04:19 am PDT

Still no reply from my sister, the one who posted that HRC’s book blamed everyone but herself and to whom I said, “You’ve read her book then? Great! Send it to me!”

So I went out last night and bought a copy.

Also bought Al Franken’s book, Naomi Klein’s book, and ‘Hyperbole and a Half’. This is my first time in a bookstore (the local Barnes and Noble) in probably at least a year. Sure, it was a Thursday night after 8 PM, but the place was EMPTY! At least 4 clerks asked me if I was finding everything.

Is it just the timing? Or is it really THAT BAD in the retail, Brick And Mortar world? If The Older Boy was still dating the woman who worked at Williams Sonoma, I’d feel compelled to go buy something.