
Debate Wrap-Up: Trump Interrupts Hillary to Say "Such a Nasty Woman"

austin_blue10/19/2016 9:03:15 pm PDT

Does Hillary go negative for the next week, mentioning the ongoing civil litigation of the forcible rape trial against Trump of a 13-year old girl?

I think she should, especially in potential swing states with iffy down-ballot races. Trump was established to be in the home of a convicted pedophile at the time of the assaults.

She can go all positive in the last two weeks, but that civil case would be the Death of Trump in how it plays in Plano.

Suburban Republican women can justify a lot, but child rape is right out of their wheelhouse. If they buy the story (and every indication says they should) he is dead meat.

“If you are a star, you can get away with anything.”