
Post-Election Night Jam: Ghost-Note, "Thing of Gold"

mmmirele11/07/2018 4:13:05 am PST

Woke up to find the Sinema/McSally race is too close to call.

We had Proposition 305, which would have expanded school vouchers. Governor Ducey was for it (and he got re-elected). However, the proposition got stomped on, which warms the cockles of my cold, cold heart. People were not happy about seeing public school monies going to private school tuitions. Of course, the retrograde Center for Arizona Policy was for it, so glad to see this one go down to defeat.

Up in Utah, Proposition 2, which legalizes medical marijuana, was passed, against the protestations of the Mormon church, which prefers a legislative solution. Of course it would. The Utah lege is 90 percent Mormon and the church leadership hoped to keep a lid on medical marijuana by bottling it up in the lege. Also, current Rep. Mia Love (R) is in a tight race with Ben McAdams, who is currently leading but it will probably be very close.

In more personal news, my mother was put on heparin last night after blood tests indicated her triponins were highly elevated. Based on Dr. Google, these proteins are reliable indicators of a heart attack, and if I were a betting woman, I would imagine her cardiologist is going to tell us today that she indeed did have a heart attack.