
Colbert - Cruelty Was the Plan: Chilling News About the Human Toll of Trump's Child Separation Policy

KGxvi10/22/2020 10:36:33 am PDT

re: #296 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I think the ‘94 Crime Bill is one of the most mischaracterized legislations of the last 30 years and honestly I blame Sanders who voted for it for doing that with people under 30 and people who don’t understand policy. Was it perfect legislation? No, but it’s made out to be an intentional racially discriminatory law which is horseshit.

The 90s were a weird time, politically - especially the first half of the decade. And the crime bill was absolutely a product of it’s time. I don’t think some like it could pass today, but our society has changed quite a bit (for the better, I think) since then.