
Video: The Cat Piano

ausador4/26/2010 4:42:24 pm PDT

re: #261 CuriousLurker

Good evening, Lizards.

While I definitely believe some people dislike President Obama because he is (half) Black, I suspect that many others dislike him because he is a symbol of the changing face & evolving culture of America.

I think that right up until 11pm on November 4, 2008 a lot of people were able to convince themselves that things hadn’t really been changing over the years. Then Obama won. and won by a large margin. And suddenly there was no more denying it—change had arrived, it became real, undeniable.

I think some people want to put the genie back in the bottle, and they know in their heart of hearts that it’s not going to happen. And that makes them feel afraid, and the fear makes them resentful, and the resentment makes them angry, and it’s ALL OBAMA’S FAULT. Because if he hadn’t come along with all his hopey-changey stuff and had the temerity to actually be elected as President, then they wouldn’t have had the comforting veil denial ripped away from them.

Just my $0.02.

Naw, it isn’t that the “majority” voted for him, how could the majority possibly vote for a Kenyan, Muslim, Ni**er? They know, just know deep down in their tiny cold hearts, that really it was just because of massive and widespread multi-state voter fraud by ACORN!

/yeah, that has to be it!

(your taking about freepers and their kin here, actual facts mean nothing…sigh)