
CNN Poll Keeps Horse Race Alive

palomino10/01/2012 7:21:49 pm PDT

re: #261 Dark_Falcon

That’s likely true. That butterfly ballot was a likely decisive ‘own goal’ for the Democrats of Broward County who designed it. But should a measure of fault be assigned as well to the voters for not reading the ballot carefully enough and misvoting? I’m not saying it should, I want to know what you think.

The ballot designers really screwed up badly, so I don’t think it’s really fair to blame the voters. Very few, if any, other counties in the whole country had such a problem. So I’d blame it more on the ballot than the voters, who I doubt are significantly dumber than voters in the rest of the country. But many elderly voters did have a problem due to eyesight, and their understandable expectation that putting an X next to Gore’s name meant they were voting for Gore.