
Right Wing Blogs: Possessed?

Cato the Elder6/13/2010 1:58:45 pm PDT

re: #293 Nekama

Why not leave it to those on the right to decide who represents them? I never heard of Alex Jones and those of his ilk, until Charles overturned their rock. They most certainly don’t speak for me and those I associate with.

I think the six-degrees-of-separation game should be applied uniformly. If it’s objectionable to go to a rally and listen to someone who appeared on a show with an Alex Jones type, then it should be equally objectionable to go listen to Obama, who spent 20 years with Jeremiah Wright, dined with Rashid Khalidi, and marched with Louis Farrakhan.

Apply the standards equally is my point.

When the “left” has its equivalents of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, Michele Bachmann, James Inhofe, Michele Malkin, Sarah Palin, Rand and Ron Paul, The Discovery Institute, Focus on the Family, Jerry Falwell, the teabaggers, Andrew Breitbart, and R.S. McCain, get back to me.

These are just a few of the faces who represent the insane right wing in this country today.