
News to Make Creationists' Heads Explode

experiencedtraveller5/06/2009 6:52:50 pm PDT

re: #177 zombie

And here is a Chinese scientific paper with evidence to the contrary, from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA. The conclusion is, “This morphological pattern implies that a simple spread of modern humans from Africa is unlikely.” I.e. in other words, folks from the second out-of-Africa migration must have interbred with folks from the first out-of-Africa migration.

So the Chinese EMH were 42,000 to 39,000 years ago. Our hobbit was only 18,000 and maybe only 8,000 (!) years ago. It is quite possible that other enclaves of early modern humans existed in remote locations.

Is it possible that homo sapien emerged from homo neanderthal and/or homo rhodesiensis much more rapidly and recently than is presently accepted about 250,000 years ago?