
Overnight Open Thread

aboo-Hoo-Hoo6/02/2009 6:02:25 am PDT

Powerline - Regime Change…Israel: “You cannot freeze life”

This was Benjamin Netanyahu’s response to President Obama’s demand that Israel cease construction in the West Bank that is the natural outgrowth of existing settlements. In others words, Netanyahu is saying “no” to Obama.
Obama hasn’t heard “no” from anyone with signifcant power for some time. How will he react?

There has been speculation that he will react by declining to veto anti-Israel resolutions at the United Nations. This doesn’t strike me as a likely response. Obama’s goal is to bring down the Netanyahu government. The best way to accomplish this is to take steps that signal a deterioration in relations but that do not cause Israelis to sympathize with Netanyahu and to dislike Obama.

Well…that is certainly one way to bring about “…how the United States can change for the better its relationship with the Muslim world….” - throw the government of Israel into internal disarray.

Just think of the possibilities if Hezbollah comes to power in Lebanon next week.