
House Intel Panel Benghazi Report: No There There

BeachDem11/22/2014 1:48:27 pm PST

re: #270 allegro

Like Carlin who demonstrated that there is really only one commandment: don’t be an asshole.

That’s the one I try to live by too, and so far, it’s worked out pretty well. I call myself a non-believer, and the main thing that frosts my ass is when I hear the crap about how without a religion/god, atheists/non-believers have no morals or code of conduct.

I find that offensive, but actually feel comforted by the fact that I try to do right by my fellow humans because it’s the right thing to do, not because I fear damnation if I don’t. I think of it as my “higher calling.”

Edit to remove beginning of post where I was talking about Kirk Cameron’s new movie. Don’t know how that got there! (Will put that together later for its amusement value.)