
Transitional Fossils - They Do Exist

tfc3rid2/12/2009 11:13:25 am PST


Some folks are going through the stimulus piece of shit to see what has been put back in there…

Here are some lowlights from Michelle Malkin’s site:
$9 billion for school construction was added back in (originally cut by Nelson-Collins)
$5 billion increase for the state fiscal stabilization fund (originally cut by Nelson-Collins), making it a grand total of $53.6 billion
$2 billion for neighborhood stabilization program, money for groups like ACORN
$1 billion added back for Prevention & Wellness Programs, including STD education
Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research was added back in, leading Americans down the path towards healthcare rationing
Money for highways and bridges was cut by $1 billion from the House-passed level

Tax relief to help middle class families and small businesses was sharply pared back in order to increase government spending. Public opinion over the last 4 weeks has shown that Americans overwhelming believe tax cuts, and not government spending, are a better way to stimulate the economy.
Approximately $75 billion in true tax relief was CUT from the Nelson-Collins package. So, while the overall size of the package may have gotten slightly smaller, the spending actually increased.