
Why I Left the Right, Exhibit P for Palin

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)12/08/2009 8:04:28 pm PST

re: #272 wozzablog

I don’t agree with that first part. Obama fucked up the health insurance thing big time. I fully support single payer— because it’s pragmatic. With the amount of time they’ve spent on the defensive here, they could have made the pro-small-business, economic pitch for single payer. Instead, they have fucked around in the weeds, contradicting themselves, not presenting anything at all firm for anyone to grasp onto.

I understand our health care and insurance system intimately. There were so many easy ways for them to make their case. There were so many easy ways for Obama to make his case.

I am not forgiving the many GOP officials who have completely soiled the debate with propaganda and lies. But that does not obsolve the Democrats, and Obama, for their complete failure to communicate.

Obama should spend less time trying to be nonpartisan with a party that doesn’t want to be nonpartisan and more time convincing the American people. So should all the Democrats.

There’s one very good reason for people to be at Tea Parties: Their elected representatives in many places have shown their contempt and disdain for their constituents. They have treated their constituents like goddamn morons. Democrats and Republicans alike.