
Texas Gov. Perry Deals With Drought By Declaring Days of Prayer for Rain

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks4/21/2011 2:42:02 pm PDT

It probably shouldn’t, but this sentence made me laugh:

“Good Friday is not a good day to get a pap smear.”

Support Planned Parenthood on Good Friday

We have a weekend of reason and lunacy coming up. On the reason side, atheists will be gathering in Iowa to discuss science and a sensible interpretation of the universe, taking advantage of a holiday none of us find particularly interesting. On the other side, that holiday celebrating the magical ‘death’ and imaginary resurrection of a weird Jewish mystic is regarded as also a good time to come out and oppress people. As is traditional, mobs of fanatics will turn out on Good Friday to surround local women’s clinics and harass and threaten the patients. Good Friday is not a good day to get a pap smear.