
Fantastic Friday Night Jam: Julian Lage, "Look Book"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/06/2018 10:07:17 am PST

State news:

Tuesday Landowners v TransCanada will be heard in the state Supreme Court.

The landowners are still seeking compensation from TransCanada for legal fees and court costs from fighting the foreign company’s eminent domain threats and tarsands export pipeline project for seven years. These same Nebraska farmers and ranchers have been to countless court hearings, intervenor hearings, state, federal and local public hearings and community meetings over the past seven years — and are still standing strong to resist this pipeline that threatens our land and water.

LOL, the Nebraska Democratic Party is having a State of the Union watch party for “Trump Bingo.” They encourage Democrats across the nation to get bingo cards and host a watch party.