
Video: Perpetual Ocean

Killgore Trout4/05/2012 8:49:36 am PDT

re: #253 lawhawk

Read an article today notes the kerfuffle of using ammonia in making pink slime, but fact is that ammonia is critical in baking and chocolate processing for reaching the appropriate ph levels and consistency. By itself it’s just another chemical product, but when people start to realize how food production really occurs and what’s going into the food, they are getting a glimpse into how far removed food production is from what’s actually grown/raised. It might spur some people to eat local, but a sustained outcry might get companies to reduce/alter/shift chemical usage in some processes and I think that once the pink slime outcry dies down, folks will go back to their old ways and not pay attention to what they’re eating (or how it’s made).

It’s really what the Food Network should be doing instead of shows about cakes. I started watching cooking shows from the UK years ago and they do a great job of raising awareness on food issues in an entertaining and informative way. The Brits have been talking about “pink slime” for years although they called it “reclaimed meat”.
In case anyone’s looking for a good cooking show from the UK The F Word (Gordon Ramsay) is available on Hulu. It’s a few years old but it’s a really good series.