
Donald Trump Does It Again: Retweets a Neo-Confederate Named "TheSouthWasRight"

ObserverArt1/23/2016 5:12:43 pm PST

re: #301 Whack-A-Mole

At this point, the nutters in Oregon have pretty much made clear that they’re not going to go away quietly on their own. And now they’re planning on exporting the crazy to another state. It needs to stop. Now.

I don’t want violence or a bloody resolution to this situation. I really don’t. But, being completely honest, I’d rather have 30 dead militants than 30 more insurrections. I don’t want violence but I want to live in a lawless guntopia even less.

Are you also willing to accept 11 feds dead and FOX, CNN, and others turning this into heavy-handed, jack-booted federal power grab against ordinary Americans?