
Joel Saunders - the Zotz Walk (Fingerstyle Guitar)

Hecuba's daughter8/21/2019 9:22:10 am PDT


Here’s my nightmare scenario of the next few years, even if the Democrats win in November: With the economy slowing, the Democrats win the WH in a landslide, expand their House majority, and even win a small majority in the Senate. We rejoice! Senate Democrats, looking forward to a new era of bipartisanship, retain the filibuster; McConnell chuckles. As the economy slips into recession in 2021, the Republicans demand steep domestic spending cuts to fight the alarmingly high budget deficit, and shut down the federal government, slowing the economy more. GOP approval drops, but after a compromise is reached which provides smaller domestic spending cuts and a stimulus package of big tax cuts for the rich and small ones for everyone else, GOP approval quickly rebounds while the Democrats shrink. The House passes legislation to address immigration, climate change, infrastructure, education, election reform and healthcare. It all dies in the Senate, as the Democratic majority helplessly explains that the Republican minority who control the Senate won’t let them do anything. The Democrats reinstate blue slips, and the judicial approval process slows to a crawl. With the economy stagnate and millions out of work, demoralized Democratic voters stay home in the 2022 midterms and the GOP regains control of both Houses of Congress. A Supreme Court Justice dies in early 2023, and McConnell vows to leave the seat vacant until 2025 to give the voters the chance to decide who will fill it, so the President’s nominee is ignored on the Hill, and absolutely no new federal judges are approved during the last two years of his term. Another federal government shutdown throws even more Americans out of work, and another compromise bill is eventually passed with even more domestic spending cuts combined with another big tax cut for the rich. In 2024 Kris Kobach is nominated by the GOP for President promising to put American workers first through mass deportations and wins the presidency with 45% of the vote as third party voting swells because the Democratic President’s term of office was an utter failure.

If the Democrats win the Presidency and both Houses, your vision will not happen. No tax cut for the wealthy — more likely a repeal of most of the tax scam, with perhaps an expansion of cuts that help those of lower income. The Democratic Senate will seek retribution. And, with luck, there will be an investigation into Kavanaugh’s finances that may force his resignation. The real problem arises if the GOP retains the Senate in 2020; the President then will be stymied in both legislation and judicial appointments. And who knows what a Republican Senate will do regarding Cabinet appointments.

The Constitutional construction of the Senate and the Electoral College is so flawed that our nation may not survive.