
Camera: Jew Hatred at HuffPo

Spare O'Lake5/12/2009 1:57:52 pm PDT

re: #301 Joel

Not every (but most are) anti Zionist is anti Semitic but every anti Semite is anti Zionist. Support for the survival and freedom of Israel is a litmus test for what one thinks about Jews (in my book). The Republicans get maybe 20 - 25% of the Jewish vote yet are solidly pro israel (discounting RINO’s such as Lincoln Chafee and Chuck Hagel) while President Obambi surrounds himself with Israel haters such as Cahs Freeman, Samantha Power, James Jones, Merrill McPeak, Zbigniew Breszinski.

Here is an illustration.
Many, in fact most Americans (and many Israelis) would say that the only real chance for peace is a 2 state solution. That attitude however would be viewed by many on the Jewish right as an anti-Israel position. It is clearly not an anti-Semitic one.