
Pamela Geller: The Muslim Brotherhood Controls Every Agency of the US Government

wrenchwench2/10/2010 5:28:18 pm PST

Following a link from the comments at Pam’s article, I went to PJTV and watched a 2 part Bill Whittle video. I used to like Bill Whittle.

He interviewed two anonymous gentlemen. His last question to the second one [a “former special agent of the FBI”] was,

“How is the political leadership of this country going to explain to the American people if (god forbid) this day ever comes, when thousands and thousands and thousands of heavily armed killers come down out of these camps that we’ve known about for twenty years and start shooting up malls and schools and everything else, how in god’s name are they going to explain this to the American people?”

This is from a month ago. It may have inspired Pam’s article. Sheesh.