
SC GOP Voters: 15% Oppose Civil Rights Act, 27% 'Not Sure' - Update: 72% of Fox Viewers Reject CRA

Mad Prophet Ludwig5/25/2010 12:51:32 pm PDT

re: #220 vinnievin

Oh for crying out loud. This blog has been chronicling crazy in politics since its inception. That is what we do here.

If you really think that discussion of Paul and Rush and Palin’s crazy is not relevant, you seem to be missing out on vast swaths of what is going on.

What is the point of writing a great big public you don’t want to hear them criticized post?

Dude we harpoon all nutjobs equally. You will not find the likes of Farrakhan given much love here either. However, Farrakhan is small potatoes in terms of influence compared to the current crazy infesting the GOP.

So if you are not interested in looking at that, you sir have the same option you do with all other media. Watch something else.