
Pamela Geller Edits Post to Conceal Violent Rhetoric in 'Email from Norway'

Gus7/29/2011 3:29:37 pm PDT

Julian Assange: Phone-hacking advocate


Assange piled on:

So I feel that it was just disgraceful that the Guardian wasted its time on that issue, just disgraceful and all they ended up doing was producing a climate that increased the amount of regulation of actually even more important investigative journalism. I mean, the jumping up and down about the fact that News of the World had not actually just reprinted an AP newswire or stolen something from somewhere else or reprinted a press release, but they’d actually done original investigative work about people in this society that its readers were genuinely interested in.


There you have it. Assange, not surprisingly, sides with NOTW and Murdoch.