
Donald Trump Throws His Weight Around, Threatens to Pull Out of Debate, Other Candidates Follow Suit

lawhawk10/15/2015 1:10:09 pm PDT

If the GOP can’t manage a debate, how can they manage the economy.

If the GOP can’t manage a debate, how can they deal with Putin (or ISIL).

If the GOP can’t manage a debate…

you get the idea.

Seriously though, the inner workings of setting up debates is shielded from public view because the parties have vastly different agendas and ideas of how best to get their candidates into view and best position to excel. With a 15 candidate clown show, that’s a lot more than usual, which makes the conference calls even more testy. You’ve got even more boorish personalities at work, and working at cross purposes.

The other candidates are right to demand openings/closings - the usual debate trappings. Trump’s concern is that it eats into his time, or gives others more free time - as does a longer format. The other candidates figure it is to their benefit to have more air time - as much as possible - with limited interruptions as when they’re in the heart of the debate.

Some of this can be resolved by eliminating a bunch of asterisks from the race, but you know that they wouldn’t go for it. There’s too many of them at this point, and too many establishment types that would leave this to Trump, Carson, etc.