
Guardian's '2010 Buzz Words' Takes Swipe at Assange

Gus12/26/2010 2:44:45 pm PST

Julian Assange paid two thirds of WikiLeaks salary budget

Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, received a salary of $86,000 (56,000) in 2010 - two-thirds of the organisation’s salary budget of $130,000 (84,000) - it has been reported….

Details of the finances of Wikileaks came as Mr Assange said he had signed books deals of $1.5 million (970,000) for his autobiography in order to fight sexual assault charges in Sweden and keep his organisation in business.

“I don’t want to write this book, but I have to,” he told a Sunday newspaper. “I have already spent 200,000 pounds for legal costs and I need to defend myself and to keep WikiLeaks afloat.”

It has been reported that German-based Wau Holland Foundation collected about $1.3 million in donations in 2010 on behalf of WikiLeaks. According to the Wall Street Journal, Mr Assange was paid $86,000 (56,000) in salary in 2010 – two-thirds of the total WikiLeaks salary budget of $130,000 (84,000)…

He said he would receive 325,000 from Canongate for British publication and $800,000 (518,000) from Alfred Knopf in the US. Money from other markets and serialisations are is expected to raise the total to 1.1 million, he stated…
