
Amazon Deal of the Day

Kragar12/10/2012 12:25:54 pm PST

Christian radio host: Punch atheists ‘in the mouth’ for their ‘war on Christmas’

On Monday, Barber blasted the Freedom from Religion Foundation for trying to “recreate an America in their own secular, humanist, self-image.”

Barber, an attorney who focuses on constitutional law, encouraged listeners to contact Liberty Counsel’s toll-free number if they discovered any “religious cleansing” in their town.

“You know, what do you do with a bully?” he explained. “If a bully keeps getting his way and intimidating kids on the playground and nobody stands up for themselves then the bully is encouraged and emboldened and continues to bully more and more people. But when a little kid is being bullied and he turns around and punches the bully in the mouth — metaphorically speaking, of course — then the bully is oftentimes proven to be a paper tiger.”

Right Wing Watch on Monday pointed out that Barber has also called for the “secularist left” to punched “in the mouth.”

“Yes, of course he merely means it ‘metaphorically,’” Right Wing Watch’s Kyle Mantyla wrote. “Because everyone know that nothing teaches a bully a message like being ‘metaphorically’ punched in the mouth.”