
Thursday Night Acoustic Jam: Nicolò Renna Trio, "Las Abejas"

ObserverArt10/30/2015 9:08:59 am PDT

re: #295 WhatEVs

Wait a minute…was this pot thing with Kasich a real story? I thought it was agitprop by a rival campaign.

If this is true, he’s done. I don’t see the Law and Order people on the right letting that go.


I remember not-so-fondly the I Didn’t Inhale thing and when that was enough to get the right slobberingly angry.

p.s. Now the damned cover just popped into place. Okie dokie.

Who knows if it is true. It would not surprise me knowing the times and knowing a little bit about the young Kasich.

This new ‘allegation’ was made by a Trump hit man, former Trump adviser/snake-handler Roger Stone. Just like The Donald™ to have one of his dirty dealers dump on Kasich since Kasich has gone after Trump about being crazy-talking and not a politician.

Here is the link that was up thread - TPM - Former Trump Adviser Says He Fired Kasich From Reagan’s Campaign For Drugs