
Judge Rules That Lawsuit Against Trump for Inciting Violence in Louisville Can Proceed

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷4/02/2017 7:41:47 pm PDT

re: #306 Blind Frog Belly White

Garland didn’t get a hearing OR a vote, because he was mainstream and would have been confirmed. Gorsuch just got a hearing, and may get a vote, even though he’s an extremist.

But more than that, there’s no excuse for what the Republicans did. No historic precedent, no custom. They did it because they could. And to simply let them go forward like that never happened? No. Fucking. Way.

Well, they tried to blame it on Joe Biden (the non-existent Biden rule).

I wrote a letter to my local newspaper during Justice Garland’s nomination noting the number of times a candidate for the Supreme Court had been heard in the final year of a presidency. Unfortunately here, most people didn’t seem to care about who is on the Supreme Court, and the paper wasn’t making an issue of it (conservative outlet).