
What Right Wing Extremists?

funky chicken10/15/2009 4:57:26 pm PDT

re: #287 iceweasel

My husband participated in the USAFA investigation. A general lost his career, because his behavior was inappropriate. He wasn’t encouraging extremism, btw, but was opening professional meetings with a prayer.

He never encouraged extremism, as you and Fianna have repeatedly accused military leaders of doing.

Unless you define religious expression by military members extremism.

Here’s how the ADL defines it:

For over 90 years, the Anti-Defamation League has fought against bigotry and anti-Semitism by exposing and reporting on hate groups and other extremists who seek to harm perceived enemies and to undermine our democracy. Today, ADL’s Center on Extremism continues our mission to expose and document the groups and individuals whose ideologies and activities perpetuate hatred and extremism. To this end, the Center on Extremism has created an online resource, Extremism in America, whichserves as a guide to prominent extreme movements, groups, and leaders in the United States.

The entries in Extremism in America provide the context needed to understand the history of such extremists, what their beliefs are, how those beliefs motivate them to action, and what forms their actions take. This resource is divided into several categories—Individuals, Groups, Movements, and Media—and paints a comprehensive picture of the current state of extremism in the United States. The Anti-Semitic neo-Nazi skinheads, camouflage-wearing militia members, arson-prone environmental extremists—all these and more are described and explained, with the latest and up-to-date analysis and information.

At the root of extremism are radical ideologies, radical religious beliefs and pent-up anger and frustration, all of which can lead to violent acts ranging from hate crimes to terrorism. In the United States, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and the 9-11 terrorist attacks six years later, have made it painfully clear that Americans cannot ignore the dangers of extremism.


America unfortunately has no shortage of extremists. Some come from the far right, primarily in the form of racist and anti-Semitic hate groups or anti-government extremists. Others come from the far left, including environmental and animal rights extremists. Some extreme movements may focus around a single, narrow issue, such as abortion and involve anti-abortion extremists who bomb health clinics. Other movements may stem from ideologies that stress racial superiority, fanatic religious beliefs or radical political views.

Again, I guarantee that military leaders don’t encourage or protect extremists in the ranks.

You believe otherwise, even though you aren’t a member of the US military and never have been, and perhaps aren’t in a position to know many of us who inhabit the military community.

Basically, that makes you a bigot.
