
Overnight Open Thread

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)7/24/2011 5:40:12 am PDT

re: #308 researchok

Again, I go back to Castro, Che, Stalin, Mao et al.

Are those ideologies somehow less dangerous than the ones you mentioned?

Some of them less, some of them more. That’s my point. Some ideologies are more dangerous than others.

As for Solidarity, you are right because that ideology did not embrace violence, though that alone does not necessarily bestow blessings.

Yes. Thank you. Ideology does matter. Thank you for retracting your claim.

Gandhi did not espouse violence, either. He also suggested the Jews lie down and be slaughtered. In fact, he was quite the letter writer. Gandhi assured Hitler that he had no doubt of “your bravery or devotion to your fatherland.” He signed the the letter, ‘Your Friend, Sd. M. MK Gandhi’.


As for the Quakers, recall their support for anti Israel activities and their outrage at Israel defending herself. They were supporters of of the PLO for decades, even during the most violent times.

“They” were not anything, since they’re not a unified or hierarchical body. As ultra-pacifists, they are completely unreasonable on the subject of Israel.

That is not, however, what we were discussing. Their ideology has not produced terrorists.

Pacifism is no guarantee of morality.

And if I’d made that claim, that’d be great.

Anyway, I’m happy you’ve conceded that ideology does, in fact, matter.