
We Got Mail! (And the Door Opens) - Update: The Door Closes

Shane2/16/2009 10:43:30 am PST

Re: Charles 299#

No problem there. It bothers me that they support it. Absolutely understand that the posts will continue. It bothers me anytime our politicians use puesdo science to press their beleifs. You are absolutely right about main stream politicians supporting creationism is messed up. I don’t know how most of your people feel about creationism, but I’m an atheist. I really don’t beleive in it. Worse, I actually went ahead and read the bible and it clearly says you will have no proof other than your faith. So why would a religous person attempt to prove the bible is true when it is telling you that it can’t be done? My guess, they lack faith in the god they beleive in and are hoping they aren’t buying the proverbial “fire insurance”.

I’m just saying I skip those posts. It pains me to see people support that crap and wonder why no one takes them seriously. Especially if I voted for one of them.

As far as climate change being bunk, I would say I agree the climate is changing. I would disagree that CO2 is causing it. I am more inclined to beleive its that big fireball in the sky, coupled with changes in axis on our whirling globe.