
Saturday Night Music: Pat Metheny and Brad Mehldau

Charles Johnson7/24/2010 10:44:46 pm PDT

re: #290 Floral Giraffe

Biking etiquette question for you…
So, on a narrow side of a highway, when a biker is passing, is there a “shout out” to be called when passing? To let the pedestrian know there’s a bike coming up? Had some close calls, this weekend. No notice from the bikers…

I usually try to say something like “on your left” as I approach someone to pass. Unfortunately, I’ve seen quite a few people get really bent out of shape by this, even though it’s intended to keep them safe. I’ve even seen people get so pissed off they deliberately cut to the left in response. So I can actually understand why some cyclists might not say anything - sometimes it’s safer to just get past as quietly as possible.