
A Song Still Sadly Relevant: Bruce Hornsby and the Noisemakers, "The Way It Is"

lawhawk8/04/2019 9:11:48 am PDT

So, right wingers are again trotting out the canard that video games make the mass shooters act out their violent fantasies?

Fuck that.

South Korea and Japan have a far larger gamer culture. They don’t have mass shootings, let alone the gun deaths per capita seen here in the US. Asia-Pacific has nearly 6x the gamers, but a fraction of the gun violence.

That’s because it’s not about the video games, or the mental health (which is remarkably constant across societies around the world).

It’s the easy fucking availability of guns.

States with strong gun laws have lower per capita gun death rates.
Countries with strong gun laws have lower per capita gun death rates.

It’s the fucking guns. And every media outlet that allows any of these GOP fuckers to claim otherwise should use the facts and call them out on their dumbfucking nonsense and deflections.