
Violence in Tehran, Suicide Bomber at Ayatollah's Tomb

restitutor orbis6/20/2009 10:35:31 am PDT

Mousavi is reported to be speaking to protesters on Jeyhoon street. He said a few minutes ago:’
‘I am prepared for martyrdom, Shame on you and your tricks the coup government. end quote’

Martyrdom? Seas of green? now suicide bombers?

Sorry, I’m not buying it. Seems the new boss is shaping up to be “same as the old boss” Obama is wise not to get us involved. I’m perfectly content to let these people kill each other with the same enthusiasm with which they kill Westerners. You can all wave purple fingers in the air, or spew platitudes like “we are all Iranians now” of some such bullshit. Me, I’m grabbing some popcorn.