
Onion: Radical Social Security Reform Measures Proposed

moderatelyradicalliberal7/28/2011 9:01:32 pm PDT

re: #263 lostlakehiker

It wasn’t the base. It was swing voters, upset about the deficit. They can swing back, and if the current GOP House drives us over the cliff, they will.

The base is delusional, drunk on the feeling of power that came with the 2010 gains. It/they forget that those gains fell short of what they might have been had it not been for arrogant in-your-face nominations like O’Donnell and Angle.

And fuck those swing voters for it.

Swing voters=Ignorant motherfuckers who don’t pay attention. Anyone paying attention knew the GOP would act this way, they had been signaling it since Obama was elected and are mostly responsible for the deficit with all they did between 2000-2006 in the first place. People paying attention either voted for the GOP because they agreed with their ignorant obstructionism and rigid ideology or voted against them because they didn’t. The “swing voters” didn’t have a clue. If they insist on going into elections blind, deaf and dumb, they should do us all a favor and stay the fuck home on election day. They actually top the TP/GOP on my shit list. Fuck the swing voters because they have royally fucked us by giving these nihilistic anarchists the keys back after all the damage they did just a few short years ago.