
A Beautiful 3 Minutes and 28 Seconds for a July 4th Evening: Bill Laurance, "Audrey"

Belafon7/05/2017 10:31:53 am PDT


In Montana:

In the tiniest of tiny backwater redneck Montana towns, there is a 4th of July parade for four blocks (and back). All the festivities follow, including chicken poop bingo, turtle races, a barbeque, and then a surprisingly fine fireworks show late at night. It’s safe, it’s fun, it’s predictable, it’s Americana. Where better for my liberal friend to unleash her biting political humor?

Finding the women’s bathroom in the bar occupied, and in a bit of a desperate state, she stepped into the men’s bathroom. As she tells it, she had looked around and seen no one near it, and the bar was only minimally occupied, so she figured she could slip in and out unnoticed.

However, the moment her pants were down (her words), someone tried the door, so she knew a man had to be waiting outside. As she washed her hands, she had time to consider her exit strategy, and it was a doozy.

She confidently opened the door and stepped out, and as she smiled and waved to the next gentleman, she said cheerily, “I had to go with what was on my birth certificate!” He ducked his head and ran.

I am in awe. With this line now at the ready, I am inspired to use the opposite sex’s bathroom from now on at every opportunity.