
Brand New From Seth Meyers: Rod Rosenstein Chaos; Trump Attacks Kavanaugh's Accuser

No Malarkey!9/25/2018 7:29:51 am PDT

Here is my vision of a Democratic agenda in 2021 if they gain control of Congress and the WH:
1) deep six the filibuster so the GOP minority can’t engage in obstruction.
2) universal healthcare, whether through Medicare-for-all or big expansion of Medicaid in the existing ACA structure, or whatever gets the job done.
3) real immigration reform with expanded numbers so the economy can grow rather than stagnate.
4) Ambitious infrastructure plan to create zero emission energy grid and transportation system, and a cap and trade system so there is a market for negative carbon technology to get the US to zero emissions and below as quickly as feasible.
5) Increase in the minimum wage and institute automatic cost-of-living adjustments and pass Warren’s plan to give labor and communities a voice on corporate boards.
6) Election reform to end gerrymandering (my idea: proportional representation) and institute universal voter registration.
7) Expand the House to 1,000 seats and grant statehood to Puerto Rico, D.C. and the Pacific Islands to reduce the risk that a minority of angry old racists gain control of the government again.
8) Add two seats to SCOTUS so the reactionary five can’t roll back progressive reform from the bench.
Oh, and also drug law reform, prison reform, universal day care and paid parental leave. A guy can dream, right?