
Obama Prepares to Close Gitmo

Pietr1/21/2009 10:38:33 am PST

re: #249 realwest

OK, let the effin’ UN come to TEXAS and try to arrest President Bush.

re: #251 Dustyvet

I wonder if the CIC has PX Privileges? Cheap ciggies…

RW,Heh, heh…Crawfords a bit of a drive, so maybe we can invite a “Class Act President” to the Alamo, where at least 3/4’s of the state of Texas will be happy to defend him. Did I mention, there’s a lot of military bases in Texas, and texans work on them and serve on them….we might have more firepower than expected……LOL.

Dusty-not anymore. Smokers pay same on base as off base-commissary and PX/BX/Ships Store are making a mint-while giving crap service and prices. I don’t use either much, anymore…..:>(