
Insanity Break: STEADYo

RogueOne6/05/2012 10:17:43 am PDT

Little Debbie Makes Me Ask: Why Are So Many Would-Be Censors Stone Crazy?

“Commentator” Debbie Schlussel is the stream of bat’s piss that shines out like a shaft of gold when all around is dark……..
Much of Little Debbie’s freakout happened on Twitter, the ideal platform for people who already communicate in word fragments, glottal clicks, and vaguely threatening grunts. I’m having trouble piecing together exactly what set her off on her Twitter feed. Perhaps it was mockery over her recent assertion that Snow White And The Huntsman should be read as Muslim propaganda. Perhaps it was criticism of her suggestion — apparently aimed at a critic who was a non-white doctor — that some doctors wouldn’t be doctors without affirmative action.

At any rate, Little Debbie did not react well to criticism. She lashed out at critics, including attacking one for being a “fake convert” Jew and thus somehow inauthentic. When a few people suggested she had used twitter on the sabbath, she began to issue legal threats and demands, demanding retraction and threatening a defamation action, chortling that she would sue in Michigan to make things more expensive for her foes, suggesting that she would attack the careers of her detractors, threatening critical attorneys with bar actions, and ridiculing possible opposing counsel based on their sexual preference. Debbie repeatedly vowed that she knows the law, despite being under the false impression that prevailing plaintiffs in defamation cases get attorney fees. Perhaps she’s confused about what country she’s in. And, most of all, she pressed her theme that her detractors are just jealous of her awesomeness. [Note: If Little Debbie sends any of these down the memory hole, I have screenshots.]

Her threats were not confined to Twitter — she was also issuing legal threats and demands based on an article about her at Right Wing News. I’d quote it but the whole site is down as of the time of this writing, possibly because she ate it.

It’s difficult to see how Little Debbie thinks she can prevail in a defamation action. She’s a public figure, and she’d have to prove that her detractors acted with actual malice in saying that she tweeted on the sabbath. Even if she could do that, she’d have to prove damages. I ask you — how can you possibly make the reputation of someone like Debbie Schlussel any worse than it already is? Also, I must ask Debbie herself: you rant and rage about how Americans are insufficiently muscular and aggressive in the face of the various foes you perceive. Is this the sort of strength, the sort of bold Americanism, the sort of fighting spirit you are looking for — encouraging people to run to the courts to sue when someone is very mildly mean to them on Twitter? You sniveling pissant.

It’s a long, detailed piece, and it doesn’t get any nicer the longer it goes….