
Russia Today's Sara Firth Resigns Over MH17 Coverage

Scottish Dragon7/18/2014 4:02:19 pm PDT

re: #300 Aunty Entity Dragon

Rod Dreher banned me as well for continually pointing out his obsession with being a professional victim. I never insulted him or used unseemly language (He vets every single post and his standards are basically what you would be allowed to say in a church) I challenged his assumptions, so he called me a narcisist…and boring(!?)

Serious control freak..

aaaand on that note, Dreher is melting down over Obama being expected to sign an executive order banning discrimination against GLBT people for federal contractors. The order will not contain a clause exempting religious contractors.

of course… This is tranny gay tyranny and it iz time fer Christians to use teh “Benedict Option” and go to our version of Galt’s Gulch!

Today, the president signaled his intention to refuse. And so Christian and other religious groups that receive federal money to do things like feed the poor will have to decide between Christ and Caesar. The march to progress continues. Traditional religious believers are pushed ever more fully out of the public square. Your president, speaking on behalf of your government, thinks you are too tainted by bigotry to be trusted with government contracts.

I’ve been telling y’all for years now that the advance of gay rights will come at the expense of religious liberty. This is a prime example. Note that the pro-Obama religious leaders weren’t asking Obama not to issue the executive order banning discrimination against gays in federal contracting; they were only asking for tolerance for religious organizations that serve the public good, but cannot for reasons of religious principle obey the new dictate. There will be no toleration. Error has no rights.

I have never seen a more determined example of chilice tightening, martyrdom seeking, self flagellating victimhood.

The guy needs to see a counselor.