
Interview With Michael Brown's Friend: He Was 'Shot Like an Animal'

gwangung8/13/2014 2:22:28 pm PDT

re: #313 klys

Props to TTT for calling it out.

Pre-supposing every cop has an itchy trigger finger and is just waiting to go off on the general public is just as shitty as any other pre-judgement based on a job/quality/etc., and I wish folks would remember that a bit more, even when we are seeing some examples of bad cops.

There are shitty cops. There are some places where there are a lot of shitty cops. But I don’t think that there are so few good cops that someone knocks over a trash can and whoops, 100 citizens are dead.

If I end up being wrong you can say “I told you so” and fine, but in the meantime let’s use a finer brush and less inflammatory language, yes?

How about….Ferguson PD is doing their best to ratchet up the tension? Cause intimidation doesn’t work on people who think they’re going to get killed anyway….